Monday 10 June 2013

Week 9


Swimming again!  Twice And enjoying it each time.

A great coffee catch up with a friend.

Walking with a friend.

Dinner with my Aunts and Uncles on my mother’s side and my parents.  I hadn’t seen my Aunts and Uncles in years.

Book Club - We read "The Night Carnival".  I enjoyed some of the visual imagery however had a really difficult time getting through the book because it had no plot in my opinion.  One of my book club mates surprised me with some lovely tarts for my birthday.

Birthday Dinner at Amarosa with Paul.  Had my favourite lasagna!

Country Line Dance hoe down at Marpole/Oakridge Community Centre.  What a group of energetic seniors from ages 50 to mid-80s!  One lady was about 85 and still instructing.  2 of our classmates from our line dance lessons made us feel most welcome and tried to teach us.

Watched 8 hours of art history DVDs.  I decided I needed something that brought the art to life as the textbook from my course is really dry.  One of the DVDs was particularly interesting and very much focused on culture and politics.  It's a BBC production called "How Art Made the World".  It shared information about how art was used as a to honour of the gods, how art depicted the gods as granting ruling rights to some and how rulers used art for political agendas covering from Paleolithic to Roman times.  The other DVD called "This is Civilization" focused more on the Medieval, Renaissance and Modern art.  It was interesting to hear the description of modern art reflecting a time of uncertainty, change and absence of a defined direction or rules.

I tried my hand at a bit of abstract collage art this week.


Urban Jungle



I’m not allowed to jog for 4 weeks due to physio recovery.  I know for some people this wouldn't be a low but I love jogging early in the morning when hardly anyone is around and with the sound of the birds in one ear and my Ipod plugged in the other.


Life Drawing again due to a book club conflict.

Near Misses


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